Advance Remote Sensing using ERDAS Imagine or ENVI
Gain proficiency in Advanced Remote Sensing with ERDAS IMAGINE or ENVI through live online sessions and hands-on training . Master GIS analysis, map production, classification, spatial modeling, and remote sensing techniques for informed decision-making.
After completion of the training you'll be:
able to perform GIS Analysis work
able to make maps for publishing
Both online and offline(Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram) mode available with customized class timings
Doubt clearing sessions with personalized assistance
Trainers with 5+ years of hands-on experience in various aspects of Geospatial Technology
Duration- 90 Days/180Hrs.
Monday-Friday (2Hrs./Day)
Training Overview
Image analysis, remote sensing, and GIS
Support for optical panchromatic, multispectral and hyperspectral imagery, radar, and LiDAR data
User-friendly ribbon interface
Multi-core and distributed processing
Spatial modeling with raster, vector and point cloud operators, as well as real-time results preview
High-performance terrain preparation and mosaicking
A variety of change detection tools
ERDAS ER Mapper algorithm support
Ability to convert more than 190 image formats into all major file formats, including GeoTIFF, NITF, CADRG, JPEG, JPEG2000, ECW, and MrSID
Comprehensive OGC® web services, including Web Processing Service (WPS), Web Coverage Service (WCS), Web Mapping Service (WMS), and Catalog Services for the Web (CS-W)

ERDAS IMAGINE is a raster graphics editor and remote sensing application designed by ERDAS, Inc. It is aimed primarily at geospatial raster data processing and allows the user to prepare, display and enhance digital images for use in GIS or in CAD software. It is a toolbox allowing the user to perform numerous operations on an image and generate an answer to specific geographical questions. By manipulating data placement in imagery, it is possible to see features that would not normally be visible. The level of brightness, or reflectance of light from the surfaces in the image can be helpful with vegetation analysis, prospecting for minerals etc. Other usage examples include linear feature extraction, generation of processing chains ("spatial models" in ERDAS IMAGINE), import/export of data for a wide variety of formats, ortho-rectification, mosaicking of imagery, stereo and automatic feature extraction of map data from imagery. THE WORLD’S MOST WIDELY-USED RS SOFTWARE PACKAGE.
Training Module
Remote Sensing + IMAGINE Basics + Map Production
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
Process of Remote Sensing
Satellite images
Image Analysis
Remote sensing applications
Imagine system requirements
Installation and licensing
Import /export
Viewing data with attributes
Image enhancements
Map composition
Introduction to Remote Sensing
What is Remote Sensing?
History of Remote Sensing.
Process of Remote Sensing.
Image Analysis.
Future and development of Remote Sensing.
Landsat TM and Sentinel-2
Electromagnetic radiation and the atmosphere
Satellite band tradeoffs
Satellite orbits
Band spectral response
Landsat versus Sentinel-2
Landsat Thematic Mapper
Landsat 7/8 bands
Landsat 8 bands with examples (from NASA)
Reflectance spectra
Landsat DN computations--radiance, reflectance, brightness temperature
Contrast Enhancement
Landsat Thermal computations
Pan sharpening
Normalized satellite indexes
Band ratios
Atmospheric transmittance
Multispectral Classification + Change Detection
Subset an Image
Band Ratios
Using Spectral Characteristics
Unsupervised Classification
Supervised Classification
Atmospheric Correction
Zonal Image difference
Detection Spatial Modelling & Expert Systems
Perform advanced change detection with the Spatial Modeler.
Access, analyze and change image attributes with the Spatial Modeler.
Manipulate tables of data and LUTs using the Spatial Modeler Table Object.
Run multiple processes in one model and combine multiple models.
Advance Remote Sensing (ENVI)
Hyperspectral Image Analysis
Spectral library
Response functions
MNF transformation
Library matching,
Spectral angle mapper,
Spectral mixture analysis
End member extraction
Spectral transformation
Band detection,
Reduction and selection principles
Workshop tools
Bad band pixel
Gain offset
Fix out range data
Outlier and dropout
Thermal Remote Sensing
Multispectral thermal Band
Interpretation of thermal imagery
Image correction
Basic tools
Bath math
Microwave Remote Sensing
Introduction to Microwave remote sensing
Bands and its uses
Best usage of the bands according to the application
Basic GIS Knowledge
Top Companies who hire GIS Professionals

Live Project and Placement Support
Live project work with our team
Publication of Reputed Conferences and Journals
Industrial Internship & Research
Field Based Studies
Projects, Labs for Practice, Assignments and Assessments
100% Placement support guaranteed
We'll refer you to top MNCs who are hiring GIS professionals, like Cognizant, Accenture, DeduceTech, Wipro, and many more.
We'll prepare you for the interview