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Writer's pictureManikanta S

Getting Started with Mapbox GL JS: Create Interactive Web Maps with Ease


Getting Started with Mapbox GL JS is a comprehensive guide designed to help developers integrate interactive and customizable maps into their web applications using the powerful Mapbox GL JS library. With its ability to create visually stunning, vector-based maps that feature smooth animations and high performance, Mapbox GL JS is an ideal choice for building location-based apps, data visualizations, or interactive mapping tools. This guide takes you through the essentials—from setting up your environment to adding advanced map features and personalizing your map's design. By the end, you'll be equipped to unlock the full potential of Mapbox GL JS and seamlessly integrate dynamic maps into your projects.

What We'll Build

We’ll create a simple web map that:

  1. Displays markers for different Indian states with popups.

  2. Loads a GeoJSON data layer and applies custom styling.

  3. Includes buttons to "fly to" a specific location and reset the map view.

Adding Basic Web map in Your system Locale
1. Create a Mapbox Account:
  • Sign up on Mapbox.

  • Navigate to the dashboard > Admin > Tokens and copy your access token.

2. Set Up Your Project:
  • Open a code editor (e.g., VS Code) and create an index.html file.

  • Write the following code and replace the placeholder with your access token:

Adding Basic Web map in Your system Locale
Adding Basic Web map in Your system Locale
Add a default marker to your web map

Adding a default marker to your web map helps identify a specific location visually and interactively. You can use the mapboxgl.Marker() method to create a marker and set its longitude and latitude using .setLngLat(). Finally, add the marker to your map using the .addTo(map) method to make it visible.

Add a default marker to your web map
Add a default marker to your web map
Attach a popup to a marker instance

To attach a popup to a marker, create a Popup instance with desired content using new mapboxgl.Popup() and link it to the marker using .setPopup(popup). This ensures the popup displays relevant information when the marker is clicked on the map.

Attach a popup to a marker instance
Attach a popup to a marker instance

• when you click on marker popup will display

 when you click on marker popup will display
Add multiple marker instance & Dark Style

To add multiple marker instances, iterate through a dataset containing location coordinates, colors, and labels, creating markers with new mapboxgl.Marker() and attaching popups using .setPopup(popup). Using the dark-v11 style (mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v11) ensures your map has a sleek, modern aesthetic, making the markers stand out vividly against the dark background.

Add multiple marker instance & Dark Style

Add multiple marker instance & Dark Style 1

Add multiple marker instance & Dark Style 2
Adding GEOJSON source & Layers

your explorer should like this

Adding GEOJSON source & Layers
Adding Source

Adding a source in Mapbox involves defining the type of data, such as GeoJSON, and linking it using the map.addSource() method. This source serves as the foundation for creating layers, enabling you to visualize and style the geographic data on your map.

Adding Source
Adding Layers

Adding layers in Mapbox involves using the map.addLayer() method to define how a data source is styled and rendered on the map, such as a fill layer for coloring regions and a line layer for outlining boundaries.

Adding Layers
Adding Buttons and giving FlyTo() functionality

Adding buttons with a fly-to functionality allows users to interactively navigate the map by triggering predefined views using the map.flyTo() method. This enhances user experience by smoothly zooming and panning the map to specific locations when buttons are clicked.

Adding Buttons and giving FlyTo() functionality

Adding Buttons and giving FlyTo() functionality

• On clicking the Fly To Kashmir button it will smoothly navigate to kashmir location.

Fly To Kashmir button it will smoothly navigate to kashmir location

• On clicking the reset button it will smoothly navigate to our study area.

On clicking the reset button it will smoothly navigate to our study area


In this blog, we demonstrated how to create an interactive web map using Mapbox GL JS, complete with features like markers, popups, GeoJSON layers, and fly-to functionality. By combining simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can bring geographic data to life and


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